School of Medical Sciences

BIRU image competition 2011 - highly commended entries

Electron Microscopy


Linda Graham & Jaswin Narayan

Flat Stick - crystals within the renal podocytes composed of light chain

Acquired on the Tecnai G2 Spirit Twin transmission electron microscope

Click on thumbnail image to see larger version.

See David receiving his award!

Light microscopy


Dr Michelle Hunt
Department of Pharmacology & Clinical Pharmacology

C17.2 cells grown in culture that have been fixed with 4% PFA and stained with blue food colouring

Equipment: 20x objective on a Nikon Eclipse TE2000-S microscope .

Click on thumbnail image to see larger version.

See Michelle receiving her award!

Confocal laser scanning microscopy


Dr John Taylor & Dr Kristy Manning
School of Biological Sciences

The image is a composite of 3 separate cypovirus polyhedra-GFP microcrystals incubated with lysotracker dye and imaged by confocal microscopy

Click on thumbnail image to see larger version.  

Electron microscopy


LabPlus EM Unit


Equipment BIRU Tecnai G2 Spirit TWIN electron microscope.

Click on thumbnail image to see larger version.

Visualisation and analysis


Emma Kay
Department of Physiology

Live imaging of HEK293 cells expressing human melanocortin 4 receptor tagged with eGFP on Olympus FV1000 LCI microscope. Confocal images were overlaid with DIC images to observe rapid movement of vesicles containing hMC4R-eGFP

Imaged on the Olympus FV1000 Live Cell Imaging Confocal Microscope.

Click on thumbnail image to see larger version.

Download Emma's movie (10MB MPEG)

See Emma receiving her award!

Light microscopy


Dr Olivia Holland
Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology

Placental Villus (or the Dying Caterpillar)

Three dimensional reconstruction of a single villus from a human placenta, with the cytoplasm stained green and nuclei stained red. Clusters of nuclei can be seen forming projections from the villus surface. These projections may be newly growing villi or represent the packaging of old nuclei. Click on thumbnail image to see larger version.

See Olivia receiving her prize!

Confocal microscopy


Kazuhide Shaun Okuda
Department of Molecular Medicine & Pathology

Now published - lyve1 expression reveals novel lymphatic vessels and new mechanisms for lymphatic vessel development in zebrafish.

Click on thumbnail image to see larger version.

Lateral image of Tg(lyve1:DsRed2;kdrl:EGFP) transgenic zebrafish line showing the blood vessels (green), lyve1 positive veins (yellow) and lymphatic vessels (red) at 12 days post fertilisation.  The whole larva was imaged Equipment: Nikon D-Eclipse C1 confocal microscope (MMP).

lyve1 expression reveals novel lymphatic vessels and new mechanisms for lymphatic vessel development in zebrafish. Kazuhide S KS Okuda, Jonathan W JW Astin, June P JP Misa, Maria V MV Flores, Kathryn E KE Crosier, Philip S PS Crosier Development 139(13):2381-91 (2012). Kazuhide also managed to get another of his images on the journal cover!

See Kazu receiving his award!!

Electron microscopy


Manpreet Dhami


Fruiting bodies of unidentified sooty mould fungi (from Kanuka infested with honeydew scale insect) with characteristic resemblance to ‘Bird’s nest fungi’

Equipment: ESEM FEI Quanta 200F with a SiLi (Lithium drifted) EDS detector Mag: 3000 X

Click on thumbnail image to see larger version.