Biomedical Imaging Research Unit

Equipment charges for University of Auckland staff and students

The document below includes details of the user charges for all equipment currently located in the Biomedical Imaging Research Unit. The costs given only apply to University of Auckland staff and students. The charges do not include staff costs where BIRU staff members are performing work for people. Additional charges apply in these cases.

If you need a document with all charges listed, e.g. for a grant application, please download the file at the bottom of the page.


Super-resolution microscopes

Abberior Facility Line STED (+ FLIM/FCS) $71.23 per hour
Zeiss LSM 800 Airyscan inverted $71.23 per hour

Confocal microscopes


Olympus FV1000 BX61 upright (slides)

$59.36 per hour

Olympus FV1000 WI upright (+ live cell imaging)

$29.68 per hour
Olympus FV4000 upright $60.00 per hour

Zeiss LSM 710 inverted (slides/live cell imaging)

$59.36 per hour
Zeiss LSM 800 Airyscan inverted $71.23 per hour
Abberior STED microscope $71.23 per hour
- reduced rate applies to all systems after 4 hours of continuous live imaging  

Light sheet microscope

PhaseView Alpha 3 Facility Edition - fixed/cleared samples $60.00 per hour
PhaseView Alpha 3 Facility Edition - live imaging $40.00 per hour
PhaseView Alpha 3 Facility Edition - live imaging after 3 hours continuous imaging $20.00 per hour

Widefield microscopes

Zeiss Axioplan2 upright fluorescence microscope $11.87 per hour
Nikon TE2000E inverted fluorescence microscope $11.87 per hour
 - reduced rate applies after 4 hours of continuous live imaging  

Stereo (dissecting) microscopes

Leica MZ16 - brightfield/darkfield No charge
Leica M205A - fluorescence/darkfield/brightfield/relief contrast No charge

Slide scanners


MetaSystems VSlide (brightfield/fluorescence)

Subscription rate: $50.00 per hour (10 hours minimum) – pay in advance

Casual rate: $59.36 per hour – pay as you go

Olympus SLIDEVIEW VS200 (brightfield/polarised light/phase contrast/darkfield/fluorescence)

Subscription rate: $50.00 per hour (10 hours minimum) – pay in advance

Casual rate: $59.36 per hour – pay as you go


High content screening system


Molecular Devices ImageXpress Micro XL

$94.98 per hour

Live cell imaging system


Nikon BioStation

$11.87 per hour
Nanolive 3D Cell Explorer No charge


Transmission electron microscope


Tecnai G2 Spirit Twin

$59.36 per hour

Scanning electron microscope


Hitachi TM3030Plus Tabletop

$65.58 per hour


Becton Dickinson LSR II analyser $32.22 for first 15 minutes, then $2.15/min

Becton Dickinson FACS Aria II SORP cell sorter

$2.77/min, plus $83.10 to set up for the day
Cytek Aurora CS cell sorter $1.88/min, plus $56.54 to set up for the day



No charge

FCSExpress 7

No charge

FlowJo™ No charge
Fluoview No charge
ImageJ/Fiji - virtual machine No charge
Image-Pro Plus 3D suite No charge


No charge


No charge

SpectroFlo®  No charge
ZEN No charge

SCHEDULE OF CHARGES - for grant applications

BIRU equipment charges 2024
(539.5 kB, PDF)