The award winners were announced at the 2021 BIRU Research Celebration on 27 November. This year, we held the event via Zoom as an in-person event was not possible. Attendees had the opportunity to see a slide-show of all of the images prior to the prize-giving. A video of the prize-giving can be seen below.
The winner of each category received a mounted copy of their image (high quality print mounted on ArtMount), a bottle of Goldie sparkling chardonnay and a Microscopy for Dummies book (courtesy of Carl Zeiss NZ). Those who received Highly Commended awards received a bottle of Goldie syrah. In one case, a Microscopy for Dummies book was provided instead.
The category winners are shown below. You can access the Highly Commended and Special Mention awards using the links below. We congratulate all of our award recipients on their outstanding efforts in what has been a very difficult year.
Click on the image to see a larger version.
See Highly Commended award winners
See Special Mention award winners