Biomedical Imaging Research Unit

Special mention award - 2021

In addition to Highly Commended awards, the BIRU sometimes confers a Special Mention award. The differential interference contrast image below shows very clearly the shape and structure of red blood cells in a vessel and was taken from a live preparation.

Click on the image to see a larger version.

Light microscopy


Jordan Lloyd

Department of Physiology

“Oxygen carrying donuts in the midbrain”

A small blood vessel filled with red blood cells running through part of a rat brain slice (midbrain). On either side of the blood vessel small neurons (~10um diameter) that can be identified by their smooth and oval/eye shaped membranes appearing amongst the rough grey extracellular tissue.
Image captured under a 40x water immersion objective using light microscopy with infrared differential interference contrast (IR-DIC) illumination.

See Jordan with his prize