Biomedical Imaging Research Unit

Highly commended awards - 2021

Highly Commended awards are given where the image or video has particular merit and just misses out on being the winner of a category. 

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Visualisation and analysis


Anna Krstic

Department of Physiology

Calcium transients from a contracting cardiomyocyte

This video (see below) shows the way calcium is released on a beat-to-beat basis in a single myocyte out of millions that contribute to contraction of the whole heart.

It was taken down the eyepiece of the Zeiss LSM 710 confocal microscope.

See Anna after receiving her prize

Electron microscopy


Teena Gamage

Department of Physiology

Fetal sheep plasma-derived extracellular vesicles

See Teena with her prize

Light microscopy


Shaima Albeloushi

Liggins Institute

Islet of Langerhans in sheep. Insulin Beta-cell (yellow), Glucagon alpha-cells (pink), and Somatostatin delta-cells (blue)

See Shaima after receiving her prize

Confocal (super-resolution) microscopy

This image was entered under the Confocal Microscopy category however it is actually a super-resolution image acquired on the BIRU's newest system, the Abberior Facility Line Stimulated Emission Depletion (STED) microscope. We look forward to seeing more entries acquired on this system in 2022.


Victor Dieriks,

Anatomy & Medical Imaging, CBR

'Blue and Yellow Nebula'

Breaking through optical resolution barriers. Unraveling layered aggregate pathology in the human brain. The image was acquired on the Abberior STED microscope.

See Victor with his prize.