School of Medical Sciences

2007 competition - highly commended

Light microscopy category and overall trophy winner


Dr Nils Krutzfeldt
Department of Anatomy with Radiology
School of Medical Sciences

Nils is presented with the BIRU Annual Image Trophy for best image in 2007 by Associate Professor Tony Poole (guest judge from the University of Otago).

Click on thumbnail image to see enlarged version and details of the image. 

Confocal laser scanning microscopy winner


Dr Fabiana Kubke/Jeremy Corfield,
Department of Anatomy with Radiology
School of Medical Sciences


The image shows the relative spatial distribution of synaptic vesicles (blue) islet-1 (red) PKC-alpha (green) and neurofilament (purple).

Imaged on the BIRU's Leica TCS SP2 confocal microscope.

Highly commended

View Highly commended images

There was no award given in the transmission electron microscopy or medical imaging categories since only one person entered. We hope to have more entries in 2008, especially in the TEM category now that we have our new machine in operation.