Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences

About NZ-NEC

Vision, mission, and goals

Vision, Mission and Goals

The scientific output of NZ-NEC members has been prodigious over the last eight years with more than 400 scientific publications, several textbooks and a number of international research patents. The diverse research groups have cumulatively raised over NZ$18 million in research grants from a wide variety of organisations including the Health Research Council, District Health Boards, the ophthalmic industry, charitable organisations and through the generosity of individual New Zealand philanthropists. Thus the individual members of NZ-NEC have already established high profiles in their respective areas of research, both nationally and internationally. However, in the ongoing pursuit of excellence it is anticipated that under the NZ-NEC umbrella visual science and clinical research will be significantly boosted within the University of Auckland and New Zealand, through the growth of national and international collaborations.

NZ-NEC will not only increase the profile of New Zealand vision sciences but will also provide a unifying platform to support undergraduate and postgraduate teaching and the development of tertiary clinical services. NZ-NEC provides a unique base for collaborative research submissions in competitive grant acquisition, as well as contractual work with industry, since the combined expertise and facilities enable completion of projects from basic laboratory research to clinical trials.

Ultimately, the New Zealand National Eye Centre provides a common and easily identifiable focus for eye health research and education in New Zealand/Aotearoa and will facilitate greater interaction and collaboration with external organisations, research institutions, government and the general public.

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