Cognitive and computational neuroscience

Cognitive neuroscientists study the relationship between mental processes and brain processes and structures. Using the latest computational and imaging methods, they aim to learn more about how we think.

Brain Dynamics Lab

The Brain Dynamics Lab focuses on the variability inherent to behavioural and neural systems, in the context of normal development, neurological diseases and disorders, and as a result of interventions. Their research focuses on understanding the mechanisms underlying behavioural and neural change, refining the measurements and methods to evaluate these dynamics, and designing and implementing interventions to improve mental and physical health.

Cognitive Psychophysiology

Division for Biomedical Imaging and Visualisation

The Division for Biomedical Imaging and Visualisation analyses and visualizes biomedical models and data sets with the aim to improve the perception, understanding and interpretation of the data. Their research concentrates on the development of novel algorithms for visualising, analysing and modelling biomedical structures.

Evolution of Cognition and Language

Functional Neuroimaging

Human Neuroscience Lab

Laboratory for Animate Technologies

The Laboratory for Animate Technologies is developing multidisciplinary technologies to create interactive animated systems which will define the next generation of human-computer interaction.

Memory Lab

The Memory Lab is looking to understand human memory (particularly autobiographical and episodic memory) and how it contributes to other aspects of psychological functioning such as imagining the future, developing a sense of self and creativity. The team investigates the neural correlates of constructive processes (e.g. memory, imagination and creativity) using fMRI.

Mental Chronometry

Neuropsychopharmacology Group

The Neuropsychopharmacology Group focuses on recording quantitative biomarkers of treatment outcomes in neuro-psychiatric conditions, and developing methods to measure drug outcomes in the Central Nervous System. Research interests include neuroimaging and fMRI, treatment resistant depression, psychopharmacology, and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS).

Strong AI Lab (SAIL) 

Leading in learning-based general artificial intelligence, with a focus on complex problem solving with Natural Language (NL).

The Vision and Attention Lab

Neural Bioengineering

Genetic Epidemiology and Biostatistics